IES Bernat Guinovart, Algemesi

IES Bernat Guinovart is a high school located in Algemesi, which offers a degree in industrial automation and robotics. This school has a well-established reputation for producing skilled graduates who are in high demand in the engineering industry. The curriculum is designed to provide students with practical experience in designing, building, and programming automated machinery, as well as theoretical knowledge in the field of industrial robotics. Graduates of thisprogramme are equipped with the necessary skills to work in a variety of industries, including automotive and manufacturing.

Algemesi is a small town located in the  district of Valencia, Spain. It is well known for its natural  landscapes and cultural heritage. One of the most beautiful and impressive places in Algemesi is “La Xopera”, a natural park where the river Magre meets the river Xuquer. Visitors can admire the natural beauty of the landscape while enjoying a picnic or a walk in the river. Additionally, Algemesi is known for its impressive Muixeranga performances. “La Muixeranga” is a unique Valencian tradition where groups of people create human towers during festivals and special events. The tower is a symbol of unity and community spirit, and the tradition has been passed down for generations.

In summary, Algemesi is a small but vibrant town that offers a unique blend of natural beauty and industrial innovation. “La Xopera” is a must-visit location for nature lovers, “La Muixeranga” is a unique and spectacular tradition and the IES Bernat Guinovart is an excellent choice for students seeking a career in the field of industrial automation and robotics.